England sent only the smartest and hardest working individuals across the sea to settle the new colony of Maryland in 1634. Survival hinged on their ability to build and craft a life with their bare hands. Today, we toast to their remarkable success and grit with a traditional American Whiskey. These trailblazers started an ocean away and made a lasting statement at their destination. Trailblazer Straight Bourbon Whiskey has traveled a similar journey to stake its own claim, etching a statement worthy of those gritty Maryland Trailblazers.
2 oz Trailblazer Bourbon Whiskey
3 dashes Angostura bitters
1 ½ tsp simple syrup
Orange peel to garnish
The classic seasoned and sweetened Old Fashioned cocktail featuring our new Trailblazer Bourbon whiskey. Simply mix bourbon, bitters, and syrup. Strain and pour over a large ice cube in a glass, express the oil of the orange peel over glass and drop in. Next best thing to sipping our Trailblazer whiskey by itself!